The national media is awash with images and tragic stories about dangerous flooding in other states.
11 dead, 30 missing after record floods swamp Texas and Oklahoma
As we turn our thoughts toward the people facing dangerous flooding, we must remember that we’re still in OUR wet season and ensure that we’re prepared for dangerous flooding risks. It’s easy to think that flooding is something that will only happen to people far away, but major floods have been documented on the Front Range well back into the nineteenth century (Plum Creek and Cherry Creek both flooded much of Denver in 1864).
Historic Front Range Floods
It’s important for Front Range Coloradans to plan and prepare for possible flooding, whether they’re in Fort Collins, Boulder, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo or anywhere in between. Know emergency evacuation routes and procedures for getting to safe, high ground in the event of sudden flooding. Make sure you have an emergency evacuation kit packed for quick access and easy carrying in the event you and your family need to move fast (food, water, medicines, etc.).
Flood Resources
Remember that flood waters often contain chemical and biological contaminants ranging from petroleum to animal waste.
If you do find yourself in flood waters or with flooded property, remember that flood water can carry hazards ranging from electrical shock to toxic contamination and dangerous insects and animals. Remember that it only takes a few inches of moving water to sweep a vehicle off of the road. Understand that flooding can cut off roads and isolate you and your family and account for such possibilities in your planning.
More Than Half of Flood Victims Are in Vehicles
Let the dangerous flooding that’s washing across other states serve as a reminder to us: We must be prepared for flooding risks in Denver and on the Front Range. And remember one more thing: If flooding does strike our community, Abbotts will be there to help our neighbors get their lives back to normal.
More info:
REPORT: ‘Total Disaster’ With Water Damage (NEWS VIDEO)
Water Damage? Follow These 10 Tips